Eurosia's operations in the industry include trading, agency, distribution, wholesaler, manufacturer, food processor and fishing operation. We have extremely strong expertise in handling trades and an established distribution network. Our network stretches out to 5 continents with a broad client base of local + foreign re-sellers, supermarkets, retailers, restaurants, fast food chains and hotels.
Squid, Scallop, Cuttle Fish, Abalone, Whole Fish, Fish Fillet, Prawn, Shrimp, Crab Meat, Shellfish. |
Various cuts of Pork, Beef, Poultry, Preserved Meat Product. |
Misc. Merchandize:
Frizz Drinks, Sodas, Agriculture Products, Dairy Products, Cooking Oil, Animal Fat, Confectionary, Seasoning, Spice, Nuts, Fruit Juice. |
Delivery and Maintenance:
Products can be distributed or preserved in Dried/Frozen/Chilled/Fresh/Canned condition. |
Copyright © 2008 Eurosia Holdings Limited. All rights reserved. |